For a look back at everything we accomplished in 2024, click below to watch our festive highlight reel:
We would like to begin by thanking your generous donation of personal hygiene and women’s sanitary products, which we distributed to the Nagle House girls during our visit in November. These necessities not only protect the girls’ health and wellbeing, but also ensure they don’t have to miss school or karate training due to lack of access to safe and hygienic products. In fact, this was one of our key initiatives outside of karate in 2024 – to supply menstrual products to the Nagle House girls for the whole year – and thanks to your contribution, we were able to achieve it!

Our other ambitious goal was to send 80 girls back to school in Zambia, which we also succeeded at in partnership with the Trade Kings Foundation and Kwok Meil Wah Foundation, and under the leadership of FairFight Zambia’s Nayombe Muliyunda, who became the first ever female Shihan in the country!
Across all of our programs in India, Zimbabwe and Zambia, the girls continued to stun us with their talent and skills in karate, achieving spectacular results in a range of local, national and international tournaments against formidable opponents. Highlights included the Disha girls winning nine medals at the All India National Karate Championship, and the Chibolya girls travelling to Namibia to compete at the UFAK Region 5 Karate Championships, where they won seven team and individual medals.
In addition to these impressive results, some of our proudest moments last year included witnessing the older girls become positive role models for the younger generation. In India, Kajal and Neelam became two of the first Disha girls to continue onto vocational training after completing their schooling. By enrolling in nursing school, these two young women are challenging gender expectations and showing the other girls that it is possible to pursue a professional career.
Meanwhile in Zimbabwe, Michell and Ruvimbo, two of our graduating Ambassadors of Change, both finished their A levels and earned their black belts at the end of the year – the first girls to achieve this rank out of all those who started with FairFight as white belts back in Form 1! Our hearts are full seeing each of these young leaders excel in their personal endeavours and pave the way for the girls after them.

To close off the year, we conducted our 10th anniversary impact visit to Zambia and Zimbabwe, where Ginie and our new volunteer, Shashkes, worked tirelessly over a 2-week period to create a memorable and educational experience for the girls, complete with a weekend retreat near Lusaka as well as a university visit and tournament in Harare. The visit finished back in Zambia, where the team celebrated the opening of Shihan Nayombe’s new training venue in Woodlands. In 2025, FairFight will be funding the Chibolya girls’ public transport so that they can safely travel to this amazing space and enjoy all of its amenities.
2025 promises to be another year of dreaming big and making strides for FairFight, but it also marks 10 years since we officially became a registered charity and, with that, offers an opportunity to reflect on how far we have come. We could not have achieved any of this without the support of fellow martial artists like yourselves, who believe in the value of our work, the importance of martial arts and education, and – above all – the power of women and girls who refuse to be limited by their circumstances.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for seeing these girls who fight to be seen, and for helping them get one step closer to reaching their dreams and potential in 2024. We have a momentous year ahead of us and look forward to accomplishing more incredible things together in 2025!
Yours sincerely,
Ginie Servant-Miklos
Chair of the Board
FairFight Foundation
Elsie Cheung
Outreach Coordinator
FairFight Foundation