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Constitution and Structure
At the HDKI GB


HDKI GB Constitution and Structure


  1. Contents
  2. HDKI GB Constitution and Guiding Principles
  3. HDKI GB Membership and Affiliation
  4. HDKI GB Structure and Officer Roles
  5. HDKI GB Structure and Officer Roles
  6. Non-committee Roles and role of the Committee
  7. Non-committee Roles and role of the Committee
  8. Committee Meetings and Finances
  9. AGMS and EGMS
  10. Discipline and appeals, Welfare and Child Protection, Charity work
  11. Dissolution


HDKI GB Constitution

The HDKI is an international community built on respect, fairness, and excellence. We draw strength from our combined traditions to build a vibrant, sustainable, and innovative generation of future karateka.

  • Teach good karate and be
  • kind to people
  • Have karate adventures
  • Provide opportunity
  • Shu-Ha-Ri

HDKI Guiding Principles

HDKI GB is the national affiliate of the HDKI representing all licensed UK HDKI members.

As the group continually develops, we will use the values below to guide the direction the group takes.

Tradition: we endeavour to hold on to certain aspects of traditional karate that would add value and depth to our art and enhance our connection to the past.

Innovation: we endeavour to explore and investigate karate principles and organisational structure, using modern concepts to enhance all aspects of our art and community

Respect: we endeavour to create a group which allows meritocracy to be the driving force of structural power. Respect is earnt and freely given by the membership. The group will function as a vehicle for the fulfilment of individual’s potential, whatever that may be.

Collaboration: we endeavour to create a community of like-minded karateka who emphasise with each other and work together towards a common goal. Individuals will strive to reach a consensus on issues and to be part of the decision-making process.


HDKI GB Membership and Affiliation

All clubs must abide by the constitution and rules of the HDKI GB and the Guiding Principles of the HDKI.

It is the responsibility of the club instructor and officials to ensure members of their clubs abide by the constitution and rules of the HDKI GB and the Guiding Principles of the HDKI.

All individual members of the HDKI GB must hold a HDKI GB license through a properly affiliated club.

Renewing members have 3 months from the expiry date to renew their license. If they fail to do this, their license number may be reused, and they will need to re-apply as a new member.

They will not be covered by insurance and will lose access to some of the opportunities and adventures offered by the HDKI GB.

From 1st January 2023, renewals will be backdated unless the lead instructor informs the Licensing Officer that their student is not training presently.

A dojo may not have membership to another organisation, other than the National Governing Body, (WUKF – England, SKGB – Scotland, Karate Wales – Wales). The National Governing bodies are correct as of January 2023.

Annual license fees are £25 for new members. £20 for renewals.

Any new instructor looking to join the HDKI GB must have a completed Enhanced DBS check before they will be allowed to join the HDKI GB. This must be kept in date and a copy filed with the Secretary. They must also have professional instructors’ insurance.


HDKI GB Structure

The HDKI GB is governed by a committee consisting of the following officers:

  • Technical Director
  • Assistant Technical Director
  • Finance and Kyu Grading Officer
  • Secretary and Licensing Officer
  • Non-Executive Committee member (x2)


Technical Director: The role of Technical Director is to have free and clear communication with the membership of the HDKI GB. They must have their finger on the pulse of the group and be able to understand and articulate the groups needs and feelings to the HDKI International Council. Furthermore, when appropriate they must be able to communicate to the group decisions that have been made by the International Council. They shall chair committee
meetings, AGMs, and EGMs. They shall be responsible for ensuring the HDKI GB and all its members follow the guiding principles of the HDKI. They shall function as signatory for all matters of a contractual nature on behalf of the HDKI GB as agreed by the HDKI Executive Committee.

As of 30/12/2021, Simon Bligh is the Technical Director and Chair of HDKI GB. Assistant Technical Director: The Assistant Technical Director shall assist the Technical Director in their duties and in their absence, act in their stead.

As of 30/12/2021, Paul Uren is the Assistant Technical Director of HDKI GB. Finance and Kyu Grading Officer: The Finance and Kyu Grading Officer will hold responsibility for the financial conduct and financial results of the organisation. They will hold sole responsibility for the management and administration of the HDKI GB Master Account. They will report to and advise the HDKI GB Leadership Team. They shall also


Monitor who have taken kyu grades within the HDKI GB and also to ensure that the grading examiners are following the correct procedure for conducting kyu gradings. Instructors must also receive the official HDKI GB grading certificates from the Finance Officer.

As of 30/12/2021, Amanda Gisby is the Finance and Kyu Grading Officer of the HDKI GB.

Secretary and Licensing Officer: The role of Secretary and Licensing Officer is to process all HDKI GB licences, coordinate logistics with seminars and facilitate member dojos. Furthermore, they will consult with the national governing body regarding insurance for students and have access to organisation funds to process payments. The Secretary will receive a payment for all HDKI GB licences that they process.

As of 30/12/2021, Jenny Cameron is the Secretary of the HDKI GB Non-Executive Committee Members: The Non-Executives will serve on behalf of the HDKI GB community in an objective way which drives improvement (in all areas) and contributes to the strategic direction of the group. They will not speak for themselves alone but will communicate well and proactively within the wide community. They will not become involved in the day-to day running of the group, and so can remain dispassionate and objective.

As of 30/12/2021, Julie Nicholson and Stuart Amos are the Non-Executive Committee
Members of the HDKI GB Non-Committee roles within the HDKI GB include Squad coaches and Welfare and Child Protection Officers.

Squad Coach: The role of squad coach will be to grow, develop and coach the national
squad. They shall elect regional coaches, organise national squad trainings, select the
international team and decide on which competitions to attend.


As of 01/08/2022, Julie Nicholson is the HDKI GB National Coach. Becky Cox-Symonds is the Southern Squad Coach and Stuart Amos is the Northern Squad Coach.

Senior Safeguarding Officer: The Senior Safeguarding Officer’s role is to promote the organisation’s policies and procedures for the protection of children and vulnerable adults. Responsibilities include administering HDKI Child protection policy, arbitrating/ reporting and investigation of any issues pertain to the HDKI child protection policy and redefining, when appropriate, CPO guidelines within the organisation.

The Senior Safeguarding Officer shall be assisted by the Junior Safeguarding Officer and Mentor, who shall make up the Safeguarding Committee. This shall be a group of qualified people, interviewed by and chosen by the HDKI GB committee and Senior Safeguarding Officer. They will share the responsibilities of the Senior Safeguarding Officer and be points-of-contact for any grievances or concerns.

As of 16/02/2023, Daniel Broudie is the HDKI GB Senior Safeguarding Officer.

The HDKI GB Committee shall

  • Be responsible for overall governance of HDKI GB and ensuring that clubs and members abide by the principles and rules.
  • Be responsible for disciplinary matters.
  • Be responsible for membership, licensing, events, gradings, squad matters and liaison with the wider international HDKI community.
  • Hold the bank account and manage finances.
  • Hold an Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meetings as required, which all members are invited to attend.


Should a committee member wish to step down, they must give one months’ notice to ease
the transition and give the organisation time to find a replacement.
HDKI GB instructors will be able to nominate people for committee roles. These nominations
will be considered by the existing committee. Depending on the number of nominees, the


Existing committee shall narrow the choice down to two parties who shall then be voted on by the HDKI GB community. Each club shall get one vote.

Should HDKI GB instructors wish to nominate someone to take over an existing role, this shall be taken into consideration by the existing committee and discussed at the next committee meeting. Should the committee decide to go ahead with the nomination, there will be a vote as above.

Some of the committee members receive payment for their roles. These payments are disclosed during the financial breakdown of the AGM.


Committee Meetings

  • The Committee shall meet quarterly to discuss relevant business. It is to be chaired by the HDKI GB Chair and discussions and decisions are to be recorded.
  • Discussion items may vary from meeting to meeting
  • The quorum for Committee meetings is four members, one of whom must be the Technical Director or Assistant Technical Director.
  • Decisions are to be made by majority voting. Should decisions need to be made between meetings, then this shall happen via official email and will function the same as during meetings.
  • The Chair and Secretary are responsible for setting the meeting time and venue and for giving notice to Committee members.
  • The Secretary shall take minutes which ensure that all key discussion points and decisions are captured and recorded. These should be reviewed and approved by Committee members and shall be made readily available to members of the HDKI GB should they wish to see them.



  • The Committee shall hold the bank account for the HDKI GB, into which membership and other incomes are paid and payments disbursed.
  • The Treasurer will be responsible for managing the HDKI GB finances and will produce a set of financial accounts for the AGM. Protocols and safeguards for payments from the accounts will be agreed with the Committee.


Annual General Meetings

  • These are open to all club members and are held to make decisions that affect what the HDKI GB does and how it is run.
  • The Chair and Secretary are responsible for organising the AGM. Meetings are to be chaired by the HDKI GB Chair.
  • HDKI GB club instructors will be made aware of the meeting and agenda in advance.
  • They are able to make nominations for the election of officers and suggestions for changes in the constitution.
  • In the absence of the Chair or their assistant, the delegates shall appoint a temporary Chair from those present.
  • Items not on the agenda shall be discussed under Any Other Business with approval of the Chair.
  • AGMs will:


  1. Highlight the progress and achievements of the HDKI GB over the past 12 months.
  2. Review the minutes of the previous meeting.
  3. Elect the Committee for the following year should there be any changes. Each club will be allowed one vote. Voting by proxy must be agreed in advance.
  4. Discuss and vote on any changes to the constitution. Each club will be allowed one vote. Voting by proxy must be agreed in advance.
  5. Discuss any issues submitted by the Executive Committee and make decisions, as necessary.
  6. Discuss Any Other Business.
  7. In the event of a tie, the Chair shall have the deciding vote.
  8. Review the HDKI Annual Accounts, as presented by the Finance Officer.


  • All members should be notified and invited to make nominations for the election of officers. This must be done well in advance and will be considered by the committee as discussed above.


  • For the AGM to be quorate, there must be a minimum of 50% of club instructors in attendance.
  • Extraordinary General Meetings
  • EGMs are called when a minimum number of ten HDKI GB members wish to:


  1. Amend a club rule or the constitution
  2. Discuss any other important or urgent matters which cannot wait until the AGM.


  • The EGM requires a minimum of 21 days’ notice to all members and will be chaired by the HDKI GB Chair unless the AGM elects another Chair.
  • Decisions taken at the EGM must be by voting of eligible members and recorded.


Each club will be allowed one vote. Voting by proxy must be agreed in advance.

Discipline and appeals: Any issues regarding disciplinary matters must be brought to the attention of the Technical Director and/ or General Manager directly or via another committee member. Any disciplinary actions shall be discussed by the committee as a whole and action shall be taken by the Technical Director and the General Manager working in conjunction. Each disciplinary concern/ appeal shall be taken on a case-by-case basis.

Child safety and welfare: The HDKI GB has a fully updated child safety and welfare document with the appropriate procedures attached. Anyone wishing to bring up a matter should bring it straight to the attention of the Welfare Officer or a member of the Safeguarding Committee. Information on how to do this and how to get in touch with the Welfare Officer or Safeguarding Committee is accessible via the website or by contacting the Welfare Officer or member of the Safeguarding Committee. The HDKI GB shall treat any case with the seriousness it deserves. The HDKI GB shall strive to protect all of its members and will update the child safety and welfare procedures as necessary.

Charity work: The committee shall decide on any charity to be supported by the HDKI GB
and shall vote on the allocation of funds or the organising of charity events.


HDKI Dissolution:

  1. The dissolution of the HDKI GB is a matter for the membership and Hombu Dojo Chief Instructor.
  2. In the event of the dissolution of the HDKI GB, the distribution of any remaining funds will be decided by the committee


Updated 17/01/2024