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What is the HDKI GB?
Is a leading karate association within Great Britain.


About Us

What are we about?

HDKI GB is a leading karate association within Great Britain with each of our clubs providing a home for individuals, new to karate and karate-lifers, who share in our unique values:

Develop the person and the karate

HDKI GB Clubs are dedicated to teaching good karate and being kind to people. We are about teaching each individual to be the best karateka and the best person they can be, striving to help improve individual mental and physical health

Value tradition and innovate to the future

Across the HDKI Internationally we endeavour to hold on to certain aspects of traditional karate that add value and depth to our art and enhance our connection to the past, whilst striving to innovate our karate through the use of modern concepts to enhance all aspects of our art and community.

Have karate adventures

Karate is about learning and striving to be better than your last self every day. Karate adventures are a fundamental part of this. Karate adventures can be anything – you could just train in another HDKI GB club, a course from another association, or travel with us to train with friends in Japan – either way, we believe in having fun and new experiences.

Provide opportunity

The HDKI GB as a rapidly growing and innovative organisation, provides a platform for success whether you are an aspiring instructor, competitor or someone just looking to get involved, the HDKI GB has the opportunities and structure to support your personal goals.


Shu-Ha-Ri is a Japanese concept that describes the stages of learning. In brief, there are three stages of learning, Shu – to conform (following your instructor), Ha – to apply or adapt (questioning), Ri – to transcend (to have your personal interpretation).

Who is our committee?

HDKI_Simon Bligh
Simon Bligh
Technical Director
HDKI_Paul Uren
Paul Uren
Assistant Technical Director
Amanda Gisby
Amanda Gisby
Treasurer and Kyu Grade Officer
Jen Cameron
Secretary and Licensing Officer
HDKI_Daniel Broudie
Daniel Broudie
Senior Safeguarding Officer
HDKI_Julie Nicholson
Julie Nicholson
Non-executive Officer
Stuart Amos
Stuart Amos
Non-executive Officer
Jenny Cameron
HQ Secretary

About Us

The HDKI is an international association of karate associations, full of karateka who love to have karate adventures! We have more information on our HDKI Headquarters website below.

Learn more about the HDKI

What are our competition opportunities?

For many karateka competition is critical. At the HDKI GB we have a number of opportunities to develop individual karateka and provide a network of regular competitions to challenge our membership:

Who are our squad coaches?

HDKI_John Holdsworth
John Holdsworth
HDKI GB Squad Coach
HDKI_Julie Nicholson
Julie Nicholson
HDKI GB Squad Coach
Stuart Amos
Stuart Amos
Northern Squad Coach
Becky Cox-Symonds
Southern Squad Coach